Third case in Mongolian: dative-locative - Suffix to add: -д, -т | Learn Mongolian Language

This case is used either to described the place where an action occurs (ex: in Ulaan-baatar → Улаанбаатарт) or who is the target of an action such as (ex: to me → надад) Here are some sentences where one should use the dative-locative case: чи надад нэг юм өгнө « You give me something,» or тэр ахдаа ярьсан « He / She spoke to his/her brother» et би шууданд ажилладаг « I work at the post office,» би Парис хотод амьдардаг « I live in Paris.» (ex: Номонд → …in the book)

a) Улаанбаатарт → in Ulan-Bator

b) Тэр надад энэ юмыг өгсөн. → He / She gave me this thing.

c) Би Монгол улсад төрсөн. → I am born in Mongolia.

d) Би чамд хайртай! → I love you (to you)!

e) Хөтөч малчинд ярьж байна → The guide is speaking to a herder.

f) Монголд мал их байна. → There are many animals in Mongolia

g) Бид зочид буудалд сууж байна. → We are staying at the hotel.

h) Та манайд очоорой. → Come visit us (to us)!