Ablative case in mongolian –аас, -өөс, -оос, -ээс | Learn Mongolian Language

The Mongolian has 7 cases (or function) and Ablative is one of them.

This case is used to demonstrate the origin of action. It is often translated in english with the word "from". Nevertheless, it can have other uses. Ablative case is also used in many other languages : armenian, azerbaijani, latin, german, albanian, greek, finnish, hungarian, sanskrit, nepali and many others.

In mongolian language, ablative is created by adding the suffix –аас, -өөс, -оос, -ээс to the basic morpheme (word). The addition of the suffix of the ablative, as in all other cases, is inevitably linked the principle of vocal harmony. That is to say that the vowel of the suffix must be of the same class (anterior or posterior) as the vowels found in the primary radical. In other word, Канад will become Канадаас and Орос will become "Оросоос"

In the same way, Монгол "Mongolia" becomes Монголоос "from Mongolia". Words ending in a double vowel will have an -н- added: хөдөө "the countryside" becomes “хөдөөнөөс" from the countryside". According to the letters preceedings, one can also see the addition of a -г-.

Nominative → Ablative

Канад → Canada → Канадаас ...from Canada

Хөдөө → countryside → Хөдөөнөөс ...from the countryside

Хот → city → Хотоос ...from the city

Улаанбаатар → Ulan-Bator → Улаанбаатараас ...from Ulan-Bator

Гэр → yurt → Гэрээс ...from the yurt

Хаана → where → Хаанаас ...from where

Cургууль → school → Cургуулиаc ...from the school

Хороoлол → neighborhood → Хороoлoлooc ...from the neighborhood

Франц → France → Францаас ...from France

Монгол → Mongolia → Монголоос ...from Mongolia

Өчигдөр → yesterday → Өчигдрөөс ...from/since yesterday

Их сургууль → University → Их сургуулиаc → ...from the university

Цайны газар → Cantine → Цайны газрaaс → ...from the canteen

Зочид буудал → Hotel → Зочид буудлаас → ...from the hotel

When two or more words must put in a particular case, only the last take the mark of the corresponding case:

Examples of ablative case in mongolian language.

a) Би энэ номыг ааваасaa авсан. → I took this book from my father

b) Өчигдөр ах хөдөөнөөс ирсэн. →Yesterday, my brother came from the countryside.

c) Аав хоёр гурав хоногоос ирнэ. →Father will come in 2-3 days (from 2-3 days).

d) Oюутан өчигдөр Монголоос ирэв. → The student came yesterday from Mongolia.

e) Тэр судлаач өглөөнөөс хойш хүлээсэн. → This scientist is waiting in the morning.

f) Oюутан багшаас залуу. → The student is younger than the teacher (from the teacher).

g) Улаанбаатар Moсквагаас жижиг. → Ulan-Bator is smaller than Moscow.

h) Би энэ толь бичиг дэлгүүрээс авсан. → I bought this dictionary from the shop.